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Galit Agmon PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Galit Agmon PhD

Galit is a computational neuro-linguist. She earned her PhD in computational neuroscience from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2018. With additional training in theoretical linguistics (from The Hebrew University and McGill University), Galit has been using interdisciplinary methods for studying on language processing in the brain. Her past research included theoretical analyses as well as behavioral studies and neuroimaging experiments (fMRI, EEG). After her doctoral studies, Galit has been working at Bar-Ilan University (Israel) on the neurobiology of spontaneous speech. Galit joined FTDC in July 2021, as part of the speech team. Her current study focuses on ways of quantifying syntactic complexity in spontaneous speech, to automatically screen for early onset of language-related pathologies and to better understand the effect of FTD phenotypes on linguistic functions.

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